Monday, October 09, 2006

We will take port from Islamists, says Somali militia

Hundreds of militias loyal to Somalia's defense minister have encamped at Sakow, a district in Middle Jubba region, and face off Islamist militias in the region.

Defense Minister Col. Barre "Hirale" Adan Shire and his militia set up a large base of operations in Bardhere, a town in neighboring Gedo region, and his militia commander, Col. Fartaag, promised to retake Kismayo from the Islamist militia by force.

On September 24, Col. Hirale fled Kismayo peacefully before Islamist militias completely surrounded him.

There is fear of war in the region and Sheikh Abdirahman Jinikow, a top Islamist official, warned against threats to Islamist militia in the region during a press conference in Mogadishu on Saturday.

Garowe Online News

Somalia: Islamists ban women from swimming

Islamist officials in Mogadishu have disclosed for the first time that they will not "allow" women to swim in the sea, and specifically at Lido Beach in Mogadishu.

Mohamed Dirie Osman, an Islamist militia commander, said it is a "sin" for a woman to swim alongside men at popular beaches.

He said that women are allowed to take sea water in containers and shower at home.

Garowe Online News