Monday, May 07, 2007

AU Reinforcements on the Way

Another promise from the AU. Hopefully they will follow through on this one. And then when the Ethiopian troops leave, what excuse will be left of the Hawiye? None. Africa will be standing against them, and their ICU. Light will be shed on their years of inability to bring peace to even their own city. Unfortunately, th Hawiye elders have chose the wrong side again, and have created such a deep mistrust from the other clans of Somalia that it will take years for them to be a strong voice in the future of Somalia. As the saying goes, "You reap what you sow."

Extra 8,000 AU troops to be sent to Somalia

Mon. May 07, 2007
By Bonny Apunyu.
- (SomaliNet)

An extra 8 000 peacekeepers will be sent to Somalia, the African Union (AU) announced on Monday but saying that dialogue remained the only solution to the bloody conflict in that country.

"The crisis in that country has so far proved intractable. The AU has decided to send 8 000 troops immediately
to assist peacekeeping efforts," AU chairperson John Kufuor told the opening of the seventh ordinary session of the Pan African Parliament (PAP) in Midrand near Johannesburg, South Africa.

"The solution to the situation lies with the people of Somalia. We cannot impose a solution. But dialogue is better than allowing force to reign," he said.