Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Land of City-States

In the Middle Ages, before the dawn of the concept of the nation-state, there were city-states. These autonomous, self-governing cities were what controlled most of civilizaton. With the current state of Somalia, the world is provided a glimpse back into the world of the city-state.

Practically speaking, there are 4 cities-states within the boundries formerly known as Somalia. They are Hargeisa, Bossaso, Mogadisho, and Baidoa. In each, there are local governments now that (although claiming regional or national entitlement) only control their particular city. In between are huge stretches of desert and mountains and plains with intersparced villages and towns.

These vast swaths of undeloped land and these small villages and towns are what make up an overwhelming majority of the geographic territory of Somalia. The nomads and the small towns and villiages generally don't see the Hargeisa, Bossaso, Mogadisho, and Baidoa leaders as their government. They're government is local and they listen to the local elders of their clan.

When a few soldiers from the UIC storms into a remote villiage and 'takes control' of a area, it just means there are soldiers in the village. A group 'takes control' of an area when a majority of the people are either forced to accept the authority of their invaders, or are bribed into believing their invaders will make life better for them. There is some of both cases happening in areas controlled by each these city-states.

Hargeisa and Bossaso have sustained themselves relatively well over the last few years, with Hargeisa having more stability and recognized success. Yet, both of these cities are dominated by one paricular clan. The UIC in Mogadisho is also tilted toward one major clan. Only the TFG in Baidoa is a 'successful' effort to create a multi-clan government. The TFG has done this through a long and democratic reconcilliation process. The UIC, on the other hand hopes to become a united multi-clan government through an appeal to pious Islam.

Are these city-states sustainable? Hargeisa and Bossaso can only be sustained long-term if there is no strong central government, or if they break away and form independent countries. The TFG can only be sustained if they take control of Mogadisho. The UIC can only be sustained if they force the TFG to collapse, or they give up their ideas of becoming a government body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good insight...thanks for the post.