Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Islamist preachers arrested in Somalia capital

If there was any doubt that Presdient Yusef hates the Islamists, here is another example of how he is trying to rid Somalia of these radicals:
A group of clerics of the Tabliq Islamic sect were arrested in the Somalia capital Mogadishu by the government policemen, reports say on Tuesday.

The security forces in the Ex-presidential palace (Villa Somalia) where the Somalia president now stays have arrested nine suspected Islamist clerics including Somalis and foreigners.

They are being held by the government over suspicion that they were belonging to the ousted Islamic Courts. “They are under investigation and being questioned over their connection to the Islamic Courts,” local official said.

The arrested clerics were six Pakistani and three Somalis.

by: Mohamed Abdi Farah (SomaliNet)

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