Monday, August 06, 2007

Debate over radicalism in religion in Somalia

The NRC continues in Mogadishu amidst continual failed efforts of Islamists to derail it. Today's news shows good efforts toward clan reconciliation and important discussion on defining what Islamic radicalism is. But it also shows the likelihood of continued intolerance of religious freedom in the new Somalia.


MOGADISHU, Somalia Aug 5 (Garowe Online) - Hundreds of delegates participating at Somalia's national reconciliation conference listened to speeches on Sunday regarding the controversial issue of radicalism in religion.

Before the debate, clan delegates said they had forgiven each other for misdeeds accrued over the past 17 years of civil war.

Spokespeople for major Somali clans Hawiye and Darod formally apologized to smaller clans who faced indiscriminate killing, robbery of property and land, rape and other unimaginable acts at the hands of Hawiye and Darod clan militias since 1991.

The interim government has billed the NRC as a "conference of clans" where each and every clan's voice is heard and respected.

The conference is aimed at ending years of civil war amongst various clans but critics doubt any tangible result will come out of the NRC unless important political actors, like the Islamic Courts movement, are included.

Remnants of Islamist fighters are suspected to be leading the insurgency raging in Mogadishu and other Somali towns.

Debate over exactly what constitutes radicalism was heated today at the NRC hall, a former police warehouse refurbished to seat more than 1,300 delegates.

Sheikh Ali Nur said the people of Somalia are 100% Muslim and belong to one faith. He said the use of the term "radicalism" needs to be defined clearly to fit conditions in Somalia, since every Somali cannot be a radical.

Mohamed Ismail, an intellectual, said radical elements must be identified and isolated in society. He accused radicals of being responsible for daily bombings, saying that they are opposed to peace and governance.

The Somali government accuses its Islamist rivals of being "terrorists" and "radicals."

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